


熱門搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
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發(fā)布時間:2020-12-09 來源:http:///


The unique style and unique production techniques of the great transformers model make the architectural style of uniform style and uniform change to rich personality characteristics and diversified styles. More and more urban space has been occupied by characteristic living quarters. The development of urban model will be personalized with the change of environment and public awareness.


If the transformers model wants to play its real value, it is far from enough to rely on the model work itself. There are many reasons for a successful model work to satisfy the audience, including model conception, design, production technology, production techniques and other formal elements. Only by discovering new things from real life can we better inherit the tradition and create tradition to influence the future


The primary data of model works mainly come from waste industrial spare parts. These materials, which are regarded as posting materials, have become a favorite treasure by art creators. They involve the secondary development and utilization of capital, which is conducive to environmental protection and energy conservation. Secondly, the development of steel carving art can arouse people's awareness of environmental protection and innovation, awaken the sleeping artistic potential, cultivate creativity and starting ability, and improve the level of art appreciation.



1. The large-scale transformer model has the characteristics of strong wind resistance and durability.


2. The transformer model can spray different colors of paint according to the needs, and the surface treatment is more flexible and convenient.


3. The biggest advantage has a wide range of applications, suitable for placing in squares, botanical gardens, parks, residential areas, shopping malls, hotels, gardens, hotels, guildhalls and other places.


Design concept of Large Transformers:


1. Creative and customized customers need to communicate with the manufacturer, such as determining a series of issues such as the conception, volume, style and cost of the transformer model.


2. Large transformers should match the local location and surrounding environment.
