


熱門(mén)搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機(jī)模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-09-02 來(lái)源:http:///


  Navigation model is a general term for ship, navigation equipment, devices, and scene models related to navigation, mainly ship models, also known as ship models. Up to now, the navigation model movement has a history of half a century in China. The purpose of conducting the Navigation Model Movement is to strengthen international technical exchanges, improve competitive levels, enliven national cultural life, promote and popularize scientific and technological knowledge such as navy, navigation, shipbuilding, and radio, and cultivate the innovative spirit and hands-on skills of young people. There are various types of navigation models with a wide range of applications. At present, the project is managed by the General Administration of Sport of China and the China Model Navigation Sports Association, and is mainly carried out through sports competitions.


  我國(guó)正式開(kāi)展的航海模型競(jìng)賽項(xiàng)目分為以下五大類(lèi):一、仿真模型類(lèi)(項(xiàng)目代號(hào)C)仿真模型: 按一定比例建造的,在外形、顏色上仿照現(xiàn)有的或曾經(jīng)有過(guò)的,或計(jì)劃建造的海洋和內(nèi)河交通工具,或這些交通工具的一部分的模型,以及用模型來(lái)顯示碼頭或船塢設(shè)備,或它們的一部分。仿真模型競(jìng)賽: 裁判組對(duì)仿真模型制作的仿真度、工藝 質(zhì)量、難度、準(zhǔn)確度等進(jìn)行評(píng)分 ,按分?jǐn)?shù)高低排名。仿真模型競(jìng)賽共分以下六個(gè)級(jí)別:C1 級(jí) - - 無(wú)動(dòng)力船舶模型,即劃槳船或帆船模型;C2 級(jí) - - 有機(jī)械動(dòng)力的船舶模型;C3 級(jí) -- 設(shè)備模型、零部件模型和船舶剖面模型,以及與航海有關(guān)的場(chǎng)景模型;C4 級(jí) -- 按 1 : 250 或更小的比例制作的 C 1 、 C2 和 C 3 級(jí)模型;C5 級(jí) -- 裝在玻璃瓶或者其他玻璃容器內(nèi)的模型;C6 級(jí) -- 塑料材質(zhì)的商業(yè)套材模型;C7 級(jí) ----- 紙板、紙質(zhì)模型。二、動(dòng)力艇模型類(lèi)(項(xiàng)目代號(hào)M)?動(dòng)力艇模型: 可用無(wú)線(xiàn)電遙控的模型,艇型為自由設(shè)計(jì)。動(dòng)力艇模型競(jìng)賽: 通過(guò)遙控器操縱船模,在規(guī)定路線(xiàn)上,進(jìn)行一次性繞標(biāo)航行,對(duì)航行速度進(jìn)行評(píng)比的競(jìng)賽。航行場(chǎng)地為一個(gè)等邊三角形,邊長(zhǎng) 30 米 。不同的級(jí)別航線(xiàn)不同。?動(dòng)力艇模型競(jìng)賽分為 F1 、 F3 、 ECO 三大組別:F1 組 -- 三角繞標(biāo)模型組,根據(jù)不同動(dòng)力又可分為內(nèi)燃機(jī)和電動(dòng)機(jī)兩種共計(jì) 5 個(gè)級(jí)別:F1-V3.5 級(jí): 汽缸工作容積不超過(guò) 3.5 毫升的水中推進(jìn)器競(jìng)速項(xiàng)目F1-V7.5 級(jí): 汽缸工作容積不超過(guò) 7.5 毫升的水中推進(jìn)器競(jìng)速項(xiàng)目F1-V15 級(jí): 汽缸工作容積不超過(guò) 15 毫升的水中推進(jìn)器競(jìng)速項(xiàng)目F1-E 1Kg 級(jí): 模型總重不超過(guò) 1 公斤的電動(dòng)競(jìng)速項(xiàng)目F1-E+ 1Kg 級(jí): 模型總重大于 1 公斤的電動(dòng)競(jìng)速項(xiàng)目??F3 組 -- 花樣繞標(biāo)模型組,根據(jù)模型所使用的動(dòng)力劃分為以下 2 個(gè)級(jí)別:?F3-E 級(jí):電動(dòng)機(jī)動(dòng)力競(jìng)速項(xiàng)目?F3-V 級(jí):內(nèi)燃機(jī)動(dòng)力競(jìng)速項(xiàng)目??ECO 組 -- 在規(guī)定時(shí)間內(nèi),參賽模型共同繞標(biāo)競(jìng)速航行,航行圈數(shù)多者成績(jī)。 ECO 組共分以下兩個(gè)級(jí)別:ECO-EXP 級(jí)(提) -- 1 個(gè)或多個(gè)電機(jī)動(dòng)力,水中螺旋槳,模型總重量大于 1 公斤;?ECO-ST 級(jí)(標(biāo)準(zhǔn)級(jí)) -- 限用永磁鐵氧體 540 、 550 、 600 型電動(dòng)機(jī)、水中螺旋槳,模型總重量大于 1 公斤。ECO-TEAM 級(jí)(團(tuán)體) -- 由 2-3 名 ECO 選手組成一個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì),在規(guī)定時(shí)間內(nèi),按規(guī)定航線(xiàn),進(jìn)行航行接力賽。

  The officially launched navigation model competition projects in our country are divided into the following five categories: 1. Simulation model category (project code C) Simulation model: a model built in a certain proportion, imitating existing or former, or planned marine and inland transportation vehicles in appearance and color, or a part of these transportation vehicles, and using the model to display dock or shipyard equipment, or a part of them. Simulation Model Competition: The judging panel scores the simulation degree, process quality, difficulty, accuracy, etc. of the simulation model production, and ranks them according to the high or low score. The simulation model competition is divided into the following six levels: C1 level - unpowered ship model, namely paddle boat or sailboat model; C2 level - ship model with mechanical power; C3 level - equipment models, component models, ship profile models, and scene models related to navigation; C4 level - C1, C2, and C3 level models made in a ratio of 1:250 or less; C5 level - models packaged in glass bottles or other glass containers; C6 level - commercial nesting model made of plastic material; C7 grade - cardboard and paper models. 2、 Power boat model class (project code M)? Power boat model: a model that can be remotely controlled by radio, and the boat type is freely designed. Powerboat Model Competition: A competition in which a model boat is controlled by a remote control to navigate around a designated route in one go, and its speed is evaluated. The navigation site is an equilateral triangle with a side length of 30 meters. Different levels of air routes are different.? The power boat model competition is divided into three categories: F1, F3, and ECO: F1 group - triangle wrap around model group, which can be further divided into two types based on different power sources: internal combustion engine and electric motor, totaling five levels: F1-V3.5 level: underwater thruster racing projects with cylinder working volume not exceeding 3.5 milliliters F1-V7.5 level: underwater thruster racing projects with cylinder working volume not exceeding 7.5 milliliters F1-V15 level: underwater thruster racing projects with cylinder working volume not exceeding 15 milliliters F1-E 1Kg level: electric racing projects with model total weight not exceeding 1 kilogram F1-E+1Kg level: electric racing projects with model total weight greater than 1 kilogram?? F3 group - Pattern wrapping model group, divided into the following two levels based on the power used by the model:? F3-E level: Electric motor power racing project? F3-V level: Internal Combustion Engine Power Racing Project?? ECO group - Within the specified time, the participating models will race around the benchmark together, and the one with the most laps will lead in performance. The ECO group is divided into two levels: ECO-EXP level (improved level) - one or more electric motor power, underwater propeller, model total weight greater than 1 kilogram;? ECO-ST level (standard level) - restricted to permanent magnet ferrite 540, 550, 600 type electric motors, underwater propellers, with a total weight of the model greater than 1 kilogram. ECO-TEAM level (team) - A team consisting of 2-3 ECO athletes will conduct a sailing relay race according to the designated route within the specified time.

  三、帆船模型類(lèi)(項(xiàng)目代號(hào) S )帆船模型: 以風(fēng)為動(dòng)力,通過(guò)遙控操縱,改變風(fēng)帆和船舵的角度,來(lái)控制船行駛速度和方向的模型。帆船模型競(jìng)賽: 模型按照指定航線(xiàn)航行,對(duì)操縱技術(shù)和航行速度進(jìn)行評(píng)比。先到達(dá)終點(diǎn)者名次列前。競(jìng)賽航線(xiàn)由裁判組按照基本路線(xiàn),根據(jù)風(fēng)向和風(fēng)力臨時(shí)制定。共分為 F5-M 、 F5-10 和 F5-E 三個(gè)級(jí)別:F5- M 級(jí) -- 船長(zhǎng) 127.6~128.9 厘米,帆面積不超過(guò) 5161 平方厘米;F5-10 級(jí) -- 模型建造要求為: LWL × S / 122903 ≤ 10(其中: LWL 為模型在淡水中的滿(mǎn)載水線(xiàn)長(zhǎng)度; S 為帆面積)F5-E 級(jí) -- 船體總長(zhǎng) 1 米 ,帆面積不超過(guò) 4000 平方厘米?

  3、 Sailing model class (project code S) Sailing model: a model that is powered by wind and controlled by remote control to change the angle of the sail and rudder, in order to control the speed and direction of the ship. Sailing Model Competition: Models navigate along designated routes and compete in maneuvering techniques and sailing speed. The first one to reach the finish line ranks first. The competition route is temporarily determined by the judging panel based on the basic route, wind direction, and wind force. It is divided into three levels: F5-m, F5-10, and F5-E: F5-m level - Captain 127.6~128.9 centimeters, sail area not exceeding 5161 square centimeters; F5-10 class - Model construction requirements are: LWL × S/122903 ≤ 10 (where LWL is the length of the model's fully loaded waterline in fresh water; S is the sail area) F5-E class - The total length of the ship is 1 meter, and the sail area does not exceed 4000 square centimeters?

  四、耐久模型類(lèi)(項(xiàng)目代號(hào) FSR )耐久模型: 自由設(shè)計(jì)制作的無(wú)線(xiàn)電遙控模型。耐久模型競(jìng)賽: 在規(guī)定時(shí)間內(nèi),圍繞指定浮標(biāo)繞圈航行,對(duì)航行速度進(jìn)行評(píng)比。圈數(shù)多者名次列前。耐久模型競(jìng)賽共分 FSR-V 、 FSR-O 和 FSR-H 三個(gè)組別。目前,只有 FSR-V 組被我國(guó)正式比賽項(xiàng)目。該組分為以下 3 個(gè)級(jí)別:FSR-V3.5 級(jí) -- 內(nèi)燃機(jī)汽缸工作容積不超過(guò) 3.5 毫升的水中螺旋槳模型;FSR-V7.5 級(jí) -- 內(nèi)燃機(jī)汽缸工作容積為大于 3.5 毫升但不超過(guò) 7.5 毫升的水中螺旋槳模型;FSR-V15 級(jí) -- 內(nèi)燃機(jī)汽缸工作容積大于 7.5 毫升但不超過(guò) 15 毫升的水中螺旋槳模型。

  4、 Durable Model Class (Project Code FSR) Durable Model: A wireless remote control model designed and produced freely. Durability Model Competition: Within a specified time, navigate around a designated buoy in a circle and evaluate the speed of navigation. The one with more circles ranks first. The durability model competition is divided into three categories: FSR-V, FSR-O, and FSR-H. Currently, only the FSR-V group is an official competition event in China. This component is divided into the following three levels: FSR-V3.5 level - a water propeller model with a cylinder working volume of no more than 3.5 milliliters for internal combustion engines; FSR-V7.5 class - a water propeller model for internal combustion engine cylinders with a working volume greater than 3.5 milliliters but not exceeding 7.5 milliliters; FSR-V15 class - a water propeller model for internal combustion engine cylinders with a working volume greater than 7.5 milliliters but not exceeding 15 milliliters.

  五、仿真航行模型類(lèi)(項(xiàng)目代號(hào) NS )?仿真航行模型: 仿照真實(shí)船模制作,可遙控航行的模型。仿真航行模型競(jìng)賽: 既要對(duì)模型的仿真度、制造難度、工藝水平等外觀進(jìn)行評(píng)分,又要按照規(guī)定航線(xiàn)航行,對(duì)遙控操縱質(zhì)量進(jìn)行評(píng)分。以外觀評(píng)分和航行評(píng)分之和排名。仿真航行模型競(jìng)賽共分 F2 、 F4 、 F6 、 F7 等 4 個(gè)組別:F2 組 -- 根據(jù)技術(shù)數(shù)據(jù),按比例制造的仿真艦船模。

  5、 Simulation navigation model class (project code NS)? Simulation navigation model: a model made by imitating a real ship model and capable of remote control navigation. Simulation Navigation Model Competition: It is necessary to score the appearance of the model in terms of simulation degree, manufacturing difficulty, and craftsmanship level, as well as to score the quality of remote control operation according to the prescribed route. Ranking based on the sum of appearance rating and navigation rating. The simulation navigation model competition is divided into four groups: F2, F4, F6, F7, etc.: F2 group - simulated ship models manufactured proportionally based on technical data.

  F2-A 級(jí) -- 模型總長(zhǎng)不超 900 毫米的仿真模型?F2-B 級(jí) - - 模型總長(zhǎng) 900 1400 毫米的仿真模型;?F2-C 級(jí) -- 模型總長(zhǎng) 1400 2500 毫米的仿真模型。F4 組 -- 套材制作的模型。F4-A 級(jí) -- 只對(duì)模型進(jìn)行航行評(píng)分,對(duì)其建造不予評(píng)分;F4-B 級(jí) - - 對(duì)航行和建造都給予評(píng)分的塑料以外套材制作的模型。

  F2-A - A simulation model with a total length of no more than 900 millimeters? F2-B level - simulation models with a total length of 900 to 1400 millimeters;? F2-C level - a simulation model with a total length of 1400 to 2500 millimeters. F4 group - model made of nesting materials. F4-A - Only evaluate the navigation of the model and do not evaluate its construction; F4-B level - a model made of plastic outer casing that is rated for both navigation and construction.

  F4-C 級(jí) -- 對(duì)航行和建造都給予評(píng)分的塑料套材制作的模型。F6 組 -- 團(tuán)體表演競(jìng)賽項(xiàng)目,表演內(nèi)容自由設(shè)計(jì),但必須與某一時(shí)代的航海慣例精確相符。按表演得分高低排名。F7 組 — 個(gè)人表演競(jìng)賽項(xiàng)目,表演內(nèi)容自由設(shè)計(jì),但必須與某一時(shí)代的航海慣例精確相符。按表演得分高低排名。

  F4-C grade - a model made of plastic casing that gives ratings for both navigation and construction. F6 Group - Group Performance Competition Project, the performance content can be freely designed, but it must accurately match the maritime customs of a certain era. Ranking based on performance scores. F7 group - individual performance competition project, with freely designed performance content, but must accurately match the maritime customs of a certain era. Ranking based on performance scores.


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